Welcome to the VERANDA Sip & Read Book Club! Each month, we dive into a book and offer exclusive conversations with the author, along with a perfectly matched cocktail. This month's pick is Peng Shepherd's The Cartographers, a thrilling tale about a young woman trying to find the truth behind her father's death and the strange map he left behind. Get caught up on our past book club selections here.

Nell Young has spent her entire life fantasizing about places both near and far. Her father was one of the most prominent cartographers in history, and Nell decided to follow in his footsteps and enter the field for herself. However, after the mysterious death of her father, Nell realizes there is so much more to the maps she cherishes so dearly—something much darker. Peng Shepherd's newest novel, The Cartographers, cleverly explores the power of maps through a magical journey of discovery. Here, the author details what it was like diving headfirst into the world of cartography and the truth behind phantom settlements.

William Morrow & Company The Cartographers: A Novel

The Cartographers: A Novel

William Morrow & Company The Cartographers: A Novel

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What inspired you to write a novel centered on cartography?

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Peng Sheperd: I’m sure I speak for a lot of people when I say I’m fascinated by maps. I don’t think anyone can resist glancing at one when it comes across their path! Part of that irresistible impulse is our very human desire to orient ourselves and understand where we are in the world, but another part of it is our other very human desire for discovery. We’re always hoping to find something new on the page, even for the most familiar of places—a name we hadn’t noticed before, an invitation, an adventure.

With The Cartographers, I really wanted to capture that feeling of possibility and wonder that I feel whenever I look at a map and put it into a story.

Can you talk about what the research process was like?

PS: Cartography is such a specialized scholarly discipline, full of science and art, and one of my biggest goals was to invite readers into a world they might not know much about. Because of that, I wanted the book to feel as real as possible, and so I wanted the settings and maps in the story to come from reality. You can look up almost every location and every map mentioned in the book and find pictures of them in a library or museum archive because they exist.

Before I started writing, I spent hours poring over maps, familiarizing myself with some of the most famous specimens, and picking those which would fit well in the story. I read a lot about how rare book fairs and auctions work, how forgeries are made and discovered, and about how thieves evade detection to steal pages out of atlases. I also visited the Map Division of New York Public Library several times as well, because it’s a major location in the book, and I wanted to make sure that I evoked how it feels to be in that room, amid so much history, faithfully.

In a world where we rely on our phones for navigation, were you at all worried a story about paper maps would not resonate?

PS: Exactly the opposite. Because we’re all so dependent on our phones and devices to navigate these days, I think there’s a real sense of nostalgia for paper maps. There are clear advantages to navigating using an electronic map—extreme detail, accuracy, and regular updates—but there are also disadvantages. When you look at an electronic map, often you can only see a tiny sliver of the area you’re traversing. Your screen cuts you off from the rest of the world, and restricts your eye’s ability to wander, to discover.

Compare that to a paper map, which unfolds to encompass an entire city, or country, or even the world. It gives you less detail, but it also gives you a sense of awe and excitement about the landscape, an encouragement to explore beyond your original destination, that an electronic map never can.

While electronic maps and paper maps may serve different purposes these days, I still believe that there’s a place in our world for both.

In your own words, what is a phantom settlement? Is “Agloe” based off a real phantom settlement or town?

PS: A phantom settlement is a fascinating concept! It’s a somewhat obscure cartographic term that means an error on a map—but an intentional one.

These errors can be anything from a little dead-end road that isn’t there, or small mountain where the land is actually flat, or even an out-of-the-way tiny town that doesn’t exist, but the upshot is, phantom settlements work like copyright traps. Because if your tiny, secret phantom settlement turns up on another cartographer’s map, the only way that could be possible is if they stole your data since a phantom settlement is an error.

But it turns out that sometimes, these phantom settlements don’t stay phantoms. The Cartographers was actually inspired by a real-life cartography mystery from the early 1900s involving a very special phantom settlement in upstate New York that, unbeknownst to its creators, took on a life of its own.

We found your ability to switch between Nell’s current narrative and the Cartographers’ flashbacks incredibly impactful. How did you come up with that?

PS: The Cartographers’ flashbacks were the last piece of the novel puzzle to fall into place!

I first built the framework for the mystery in the present day, when Nell fights with her father and loses her job and reputation over a seemingly worthless map, he dies unexpectedly a few years later, and then she rediscovers the same baffling map in his belongings and can’t resist investigating.

The frame was exciting, but I knew I had to go deeper because I didn’t want the book to be only about maps. I also wanted it to be about love, and obsession, and how sometimes it becomes impossible to tell the difference between the two. That was how I realized the mystery didn’t start with Nell. It actually started much earlier, thirty years earlier, when her father was a young scholar himself, and part of a group of close friends. All seven of them, The Cartographers, were brilliant but innocent, and wholly unprepared for what they would discover that fateful summer. Writing about how that secret would tear them apart, and what it would cost them to keep what happened buried for so long, was the real heart of the story for me.

Do you have a favorite map?

PS: I do! But it’s a fictional one. Ursula K. Le Guin’s map of the Earthsea archipelago for her Earthsea series of books is one of my favorite maps in the entire world.

Headshot of Sarah DiMarco
Sarah DiMarco

Sarah DiMarco is the Assistant Editor at VERANDA, covering all things art, design, and travel, and she also manages social media for the brand.