No matter the time of year or type of event, wine is always a welcome addition. From celebrating with bubbly to a bold red pairing for a dinner party to a light white for cheesy happy hour, wine comes in handy for all sorts of entertaining. But stubborn spots on fragile glasses can make serving wine a bit more complicated than it needs to be. To learn how to clean wineglasses properly, we tapped a couple of industry experts: Dean Davies, a cleaning pro at Fantastic Services, and Charles Miller, brand manager and sommelier for Vin Fraiche Wine Group.

How to Clean Wineglasses Properly

According to Davies, the best method to clean wineglasses is to wash them by hand using hot water. First, he shares that it’s a good habit to rinse your glasses with hot water after each use to remove any leftovers or sediment. When it actually comes time to wash them, it’s best to use a cloth since an average cleaning sponge used for daily tasks can harm the glass, especially when dealing with crystal. Davies suggests filling each glass halfway with warm water and a drop or two of an odorless dish detergent and letting them soak a bit.

Seventh Generation Dish Soap Liquid Free Clear, 19 Fl Oz (Pack of 6)

Seventh Generation Dish Soap Liquid Free Clear, 19 Fl Oz (Pack of 6)

Seventh Generation Dish Soap Liquid Free Clear, 19 Fl Oz (Pack of 6)

$21 at Amazon

Dump the soapy water after 10-15 minutes and wash the glasses using a damp cloth and hot water. Davies prefers to focus on the outside and rim of the glass, for the inside is rarely dirty; he then rinses thoroughly with hot water to ensure no soapy residue remains. “A good trick when washing a wineglass by hand is to hold it low in the sink, by the bowl, in case of slippage. Be sure never to hold the glass by the stem because a simple twisting motion can snap it right off,” Davies adds. Once done, place the glasses on a clean, soft towel to air dry.

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Riedel Polishing Cloth

Riedel Polishing Cloth

Riedel Polishing Cloth

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From the wine pro perspective, Miller shares that “the number one goal with cleaning wineglasses (or decanters) is finding a process that leaves no residual smell on the glass when finished. One of the worst things that can happen is bringing a fresh glass of incredible wine to your nose and then being smacked with the smell of soap or mildewy towel!” He prefers to use a minimal amount of scentless plant-based soap, like a drop or two for a batch of glasses. Additionally, Miller keeps a separate cleaning brush specifically for his glassware needs to avoid cross-contaminating with the aromas of normal-usage dishware. “After cleaning, I then let the glasses drip dry for a few minutes before wiping them down with a polishing cloth. Be sure the cloth itself is clean, as I find most of the smells on restaurant glasses come from dirty towels,” Miller explains.

THE FRYOILSAVER COMPANY FryOilSaver Co, B61C Flute and Stemware Wine Glass Cleaning Brush, Non Scratch Foam Bristle Brush for Cleaning Crystal Glasses

FryOilSaver Co, B61C Flute and Stemware Wine Glass Cleaning Brush, Non Scratch Foam Bristle Brush for Cleaning Crystal Glasses

THE FRYOILSAVER COMPANY FryOilSaver Co, B61C Flute and Stemware Wine Glass Cleaning Brush, Non Scratch Foam Bristle Brush for Cleaning Crystal Glasses

How to Wash Wineglasses in the Dishwasher

Cleaning professional Davies notes that washing your glasses in the dishwasher is possible if they are dishwasher-compatible. Still, crystal glassware must never be cleaned in a dishwasher, since it will most likely shatter from the heat. He adds, “If you are looking for glasses that you plan to wash only in the dishwasher, it’s best to buy ones with short, sturdy stems.” For best results, use the upper rack on a short, gentle cycle; the higher the water temperature, the more likely your wineglasses will be to sustain damage.

Dishwasher-specific rinse aid is another critical factor for proper dishwasher cleaning, as this can help prevent wineglasses from emerging cloudy or with pesky water spots. Davies also adds, “Make sure to leave enough space between the glasses to prevent clinking.” Once the cleaning cycle has wrapped, open the door to allow the steam to escape since it’s best to air dry wineglasses without humidity. “Also, make sure your dishwasher has been serviced recently to avoid your glasses coming out with any musty or weird odors,” Davies says.

Cascade Power Dry Dishwasher Rinse Aid, 16 Fl Oz (2 Pack)

Cascade Power Dry Dishwasher Rinse Aid, 16 Fl Oz (2 Pack)

Cascade Power Dry Dishwasher Rinse Aid, 16 Fl Oz (2 Pack)

How to Clean Stained Wineglasses

Wine stains left by that last bit of wine at the bottom can be tricky to clean, which it’s why it’s ideal to rinse right after use, as Davies suggests above. For stained glasses, he says, “The first thing to do is to soak your glasses in warm vinegar for an hour. Next, scrub away the wine stain with a bottle cleaner before thoroughly rinsing in hot water. If the stains are particularly stubborn, fill the bottom of the glass with vinegar and add a spoon of baking soda. The chemical reaction should do the trick and loosen any remaining stains. After that, rinse in hot water and dry with a microfiber cloth.”

How to Clean Cloudy Wineglasses

Cloudy glassware is another common problem. The only sure way to prevent this issue is not to wash them in the dishwasher, but by hand. “Cloudiness can be removed if it’s caused by hard water. To test if that is the case, use a cleaning cloth soaked in a small amount of distilled white vinegar. If the glass is no longer cloudy, you can proceed to clean the rest,” explains Davies. However, if the fogginess doesn’t fade, soft water corrosion has damaged it beyond repair, and the glassware should be replaced.

How to Polish and Store Wineglasses

Polishing after cleaning is a step that many forget, but one both of our experts say you should prioritize. Sommelier Miller says, “As far as polishing cloths go, some expensive microfiber cloths are marketed specifically for wineglasses. These cloths work great, but I have found that cheap flour sack-style cotton cloths get the job done just as well, if not better.” He continues, “The key to an easy polish at home is to let the glasses drip dry upside down for a minute or two, but don't let them completely dry. That way, you have a bit of water to help the cloth glide over the glass and buff out any blemishes.”

Aunt Martha's Dish Towels, 33 by 38-Inch, 7 Count

Aunt Martha's Dish Towels, 33 by 38-Inch, 7 Count

Aunt Martha's Dish Towels, 33 by 38-Inch, 7 Count

Cleaning pro Davies prefers to use a microfiber cloth rather than cotton and likes having one specific cloth designated for polishing glassware. For best results, he loves steaming glass before polishing. “Hold the glass gently over a boiling teapot for a second, then polish it until no steam remains for a sparkling finish,” Davies shares. He adds that a good trick to avoid leaving fingerprints is to use a long microfiber cloth to hold the bottom of the bowl with one hand while using the other to clean the glass from the inside. Use a gentle twisting motion to polish away any water spots or residue. Then, use two hands to polish the foot of the glass and, lastly, the stem.

According to Davies, properly storing glassware is another crucial factor in preventing them from picking up any dust, cooking odors, or grime, which can interfere with the wine's aroma and spoil a good evening. The best place to store them is in a closed cabinet, away from the stove or oven.