Is there any better time of the year than the weekend a new season of The Crown drops? Especially during a pandemic, when we're spending far more time at home than usual, the fourth season from Netflix's wildly popular drama about the modern British monarchy is worthy of a celebration in itself.

This latest inside look at the House of Windsor shines a light on Charles, Prince of Wales, as he meets Diana Frances Spencer in the first episode of the season. It's not until episode four, however, that viewers get a look at Highgrove House, the Georgian neoclassical manse built between 1796–1798 that HRH has called home since 1980.

The episode (titled "Favourites") reveals a less-than-happy home life inside Highgrove, with a pregnant Princess Diana refusing to leave her bedroom when the Queen visits. Prince Charles subsequently complains to his mother about his wife and acknowledges his relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles has persisted.

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The tragic life unfolding inside the house is poignantly juxtaposed with hope outside, even if that hope manifests from a self-indulgent source. As he gives the Queen a tour through the grounds surrounding Highgrove and shares his plans to transform the bleak blank slate into gardens teeming with life, Prince Charles lights up with optimism. He even goes so far as to proclaim they will be a reflection of himself, drawing a rare reprimand from the Queen.

Charles's passion for planting makes it all the more painful to watch his utter lack of love for his wife play out, particularly as we all know the gardens continue to thrive while the marriage is long gone. Those curious to see the execution of the Prince's plans can indulge their royal garden fantasies with the virtual tour of Prince Charles’s garden at Highgrove House in Gloucestershire, which Google Arts & Culture launched in 2019.

aerial view of highgrove house
David Goddard//Getty Images

With photos, videos, and “click and drag” Google Street View features, the virtual tour allows visitors to explore nearly all areas of the Royal Gardens at Highgrove House, from the Thyme Walk, a promenade lined with manicured golden yew topiaries, to the Stumpery, a wild corner outside that was inspired by the Victorian garden design concept of growing ferns among upturned tree stumps.

highgrove house and garden
The Royal Gardens at Highgrove House
Tim Graham//Getty Images

The virtual tour also highlights the innovations Prince Charles has instituted to ensure environmentally conscious upkeep of the gardens.

meadow gardens at highgrove house
The meadows at Highgrove House
Chris Jackson//Getty Images

“Sustainability is at the heart of the Prince of Wales's management of the gardens,” the tour states, noting that waste material is recycled, rainwater is used for irrigation, and composting and natural fertilizers are used to ensure the gardens are as self-sufficient as possible.

highgrove house flowering shrubs
A side garden at Highgrove House features clipped hedges and flowering shrubs.
Mirrorpix//Getty Images

Prince Charles's hand is also reflected in the transformation of the gardens in sculptural additions throughout, from busts of his Royal Highness at various stages of life peeking through clipped hedge “windows” to a wicker memorial to Tigga, his Jack Russell terrier who passed away in 2002 at age 18.

tigga at highgrove house
Prince Charles’s Jack Russel terrier Tigga at Highgrove House
Mirrorpix//Getty Images

Inspiring landscaping ideas—from beautiful flowering shrubs, vines, and plants in the flower-filled Sundial Garden to outdoor fountain design like the Carpet Garden's tiled fountain surround inspired by a Turkish carpet—abound throughout this outdoor space.

carpet garden at highgrove house
Carpet Garden at Highgrove House
John Stillwell - PA Images//Getty Images

The virtual tour even offers vegetable garden inspiration by showcasing the Kitchen Garden, with heritage fruits and vegetables grown in pots that make up the crosses of Saint George and Saint Andrew.

vegetable gardens at highgrove house
Vegetable gardens at Highgrove House
Tim Graham//Getty Images

Most years, the Prince of Wales and Camilla Parker Bowles, the Duchess of Cornwall, open the Royal Gardens at Highgrove to the public for guided tours on specific dates between April and October. Earlier this year, Prince Charles tested positive for COVID-19 but recovered fully, and the gardens were closed. Charles and Camilla isolated at Birkhall, their home in Scotland on the Balmoral estate.

prince charles at highgrove house
Prince Charles at Highgrove House
Chris Jackson//Getty Images

Highgrove House plans to reopen to the public in spring 2021, according to the website. Until then, you can get your royal fix by shopping the online Highgrove shop, which offers unique Christmas decorations and other items, as well as home furnishings, jewelry, and food and beverage gifts.

wildflower meadow at highgrove house
Wildflowers in front of Highgrove House
Tim Graham//Getty Images
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Steele Marcoux
Editor in Chief, VERANDA
Steele Marcoux is the Editor in Chief at VERANDA, covering design trends, architecture, and travel for the brand.