During a ceremony in The White House's Vermeil Room, Art Chadwick of Powhatan, Virginia-based Chadwick & Son Orchids presented First Lady Jill Biden with two examples of her namesake orchid. Dr. Biden is the 19th consecutive first lady to receive an orchid entitled in her honor; a New Jersey grower began the tradition almost a century ago with a cattleya hybrid named after Mrs. Herbert Hoover in 1929.

Chadwick, who has now presented namesake orchids to six first ladies, selected a vibrant yellow-and-green cattleya variety for Dr. Biden. The Brassolaeliocattleya 'Jill Biden' is a hybrid between the ‘Goldenzelle’ and ‘Sea Swirl’ selections. Cattleya orchids are not varieties typically found in grocery stores or garden shops; these exotic flowers were used for corsages in the U.S. from the 1930s through the 1960s. “What makes the Biden hybrid special are its large, well-placed blooms and, of course, its color,” says Chadwick, who is a second-generation orchid grower. This selection is officially registered with the Royal Horticultural Society.

first lady jill biden orchid namesake selection
Brassolaeliocattleya Jill Biden (Goldenzelle x Sea Swirl)
Courtesy of Art Chadwick

“Almost all the first lady hybrids, going back to the 1920s, are in the purple family. This green one is different,” Chadwick says. After his orchids bloom, he sets aside the containers he deems worthy of presenting to a special recipient and waits for the next first lady to enter the office before choosing her orchid. “Dr. Biden’s orchid has fabulous yellow flowers with great fragrance. She put one orchid on her desk and another on her husband’s desk in the Oval Office,” he says. The entire first lady orchid collection is on display at the Smithsonian Gardens.

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“Orchids are very near and dear to me. I grew up with orchids all over my house, and for decades, my father and I bonded over them,” says Chadwick. He and his father, an orchid hobbyist who began growing them in 1943, founded Chadwick & Son Orchids in 1989. In addition to creating new hybrids and caring for his collection of 800 rare orchids that are over 100 years old, Chadwick offers a boarding service at his greenhouses to care for clients' out-of-season flowers until they rebloom. The greenhouses are also open to the public for tours.

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