This story is part of our Floriscope series, which creates a unique floral arrangement for each zodiac sign.

As the sun enters the third sign of the zodiac (governing the calendar roughly from May 21 through June 21), we’re celebrating Gemini, the sociable air sign with a natural-born gift for gab. “They are the communicator of the zodiac. Witty, charming, and funny, it’s easy for Geminis to blend into any situation,” says Sanctuary astrologer Lauren Ash.

Gemini is represented by the twins—a pair in a constant dialogue—reinforcing its conversational nature. The planet Mercury is the ruler of this sign. “Mercury, the planet of communication, influences all things intellect, spoken words, and the mind. It influences how we perceive the world and, more importantly, how we see ourselves fitting into the larger picture,” Ash says. “Geminis feel the most at ease when they are allowed to freely express their thoughts. They see life as an experience waiting to be seized.”

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To capture the spirit of Gemini's social butterfly nature, we collaborated with Birmingham-based florist Mark Thompson to design an imaginative floral arrangement inspired by the twins. For the Geminis’ floral horoscope (or as we like to call it, floriscope), read on.

“Although they would never think it, Geminis like order because they live a life full of mercurial chaos. Therefore, a floral arrangement that is softer, orderly, and dreamy is the best way to relax their minds,” says astrologer Lisa Stardust. The whimsical bouquet’s playful color palette fulfills a Gemini’s desire for intellectual stimulation, while its layers of texture ignite the sign’s inherent curiosity.

thompson gemini flower arrangement
Becky Stayner

Delightfully droopy lavender stems lend a sense of tranquility. “Lavender is the flower most aligned with Geminis. It soothes their mercurial sentiments by calming their overthinking and anxiety,” says Stardust.

Vibrant golden azaleas crown a foundation of hydrangeas, cornflowers, and delphinium buds in various blue hues. “As the communicator of the zodiac, Gemini lives her life through her words, making them expressive of every sentiment. Yellow and light blue are colors that are aligned with Gemini, because they represent energy, communication, and expressiveness,” Stardust adds. The conical blooms of violet lilacs add vivid contrast, while wispy white jasmine and ballerina-pink butterfly ranunculus add an element of dream-like softness.

Produced by Sara Clark.