One of the best parts of spring takes place when you spot that first flower peeking out of the ground. After a long, dreary winter, it's the first sign that warm weather is on its way. This tunnel in Japan illustrates that concept perfectly — multiplied by one hundred million. The Kawachi Fuji Gardens are located in Kitakyushu, Japan, and embody a seamless blend of architecture and nature.

The garden features 150 Wisteria plants, along with 20 different species, but the tunnel is the crown jewel. People often describe walking under the blanket of blooming Wisterias as a very tranquil experience, which makes sense since this flower is a symbol Buddhists use to represent prayer.

Seriously, have you ever seen anything that looks more magical?

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The flowers haven't bloomed this year yet, which means there's still time for you to catch them. Late April and mid-May are the best times to visit if you want to see the tunnel at its peak, but there's also an annual "Wisteria Festival," which happens April 27 to 29 if you want to spend your days with people who are just as obsessed with this purple flower as you.

Just try to tell us you aren't tempted to buy a plane ticket to Japan after looking at these pictures.

From: House Beautiful US
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Lauren Smith McDonough
Senior Editor

Lauren is a senior editor at Hearst. She was previously the senior editor at and the home editor at and Her book club, ramen, and jean jackets are a few of her favorite things.