Wouldn't it be just magical if that bouquet of roses you received on Valentine's Day was still perfectly intact on your living room table? Well, thanks to Forever Rose — a luxury flower company that produces beautiful "Beauty and the Beast"- like roses — floral, fairytale magic such as this can be your reality.

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The company, founded in the United Kingdom, started out selling exclusive flower arrangements for the royal family. Now popular in the Middle East, Forever Rose has become renowned for creating the world's longest lasting roses for nearly everyone.

These beauties will last for three years with no water or sunlight. Plot twist: If you leave a forever rose encased in its magical dome, it will supposedly last forever.

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With up to 30 different color options for certain packages, these roses are definitely gorgeous. Various arrangements are available as well, and all come encased in a clear glass dome. However, if can't swing $200 for a single rose — some of the arrangements cost as much as $4,000 — you can find some alternatives on Etsy for as little as $90.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BOZMKGKA3Tc/?taken-by=foreverroselondon&hl=en[/instagram]

We have to admit, we need one of these "Beauty and the Beast" roses ASAP. Luckily, Forever Rose has partnered with The Walt Disney Company Middle East and Africa, giving fans a chance to win their own enchanted forever Bella Rose (inspired by Belle herself). With a little luck (ahem, magic), one of Belle's forever roses might just occupy your home after all. Maybe even forever.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BKvQ0JOAnjq/?hl=en&taken-by=foreverroselondon[/instagram]

[h/t PopSugar

From: House Beautiful US