All eyes are going to be on the Anza-Borrego Desert over the next two weeks. You see, since December, this typically-dry terrain located two hours east of San Diego has had almost six inches of rain. That's twice as much as last year. And, as a result, this desert is expected to produce some of the most vibrant wildflowers the area has seen in two decades.

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How the Anza-Borrego Desert normally looks.

Some people are calling it a "super bloom" — and that name alone is enough to pique our interest. But how is it possible for dry dirt to transform into a lush garden? "The perfect ingredients for a banner bloom come when we get winter rains and early spring rains periodically so the soil never fully dries out," Clayton Tschudy, the director of horticulture at the Water Conservation Garden at Cuyamaca College told KPBS. "And when the temperatures are around 50 and up without getting so hot that it kills off the young seedlings."

Plant, Flower, Purple, Plant community, Natural landscape, Wildflower, Hill, Flowering plant, Ecoregion, Grassland, pinterest icon

One of the most popular plants you'll see take over is the Dune Verbena, which features purple petals and has a sweet and delicate scent. As a result, the desert will almost look like a very short and slightly pinker lavender field.

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Other flowers that will also pop up over the next week and a half include the Desert Lily, the Desert Sunflower and the Parish Poppy. So even if you don't love the color purple (blame it on too many episodes of Barney), we bet you'll still find this field totally and completely mesmerizing.

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h/t KPBS

From: House Beautiful US
Headshot of Lauren Smith McDonough
Lauren Smith McDonough
Senior Editor

Lauren is a senior editor at Hearst. She was previously the senior editor at and the home editor at and Her book club, ramen, and jean jackets are a few of her favorite things.