There are lots of ways in which we like to celebrate our birthdays – being with our friends and families, enjoying a slice of homemade cake and raising a glass of bubbles, to name a few.

But what about the natural celebrations that bring colour, fragrance and joy into our homes and plaster smiles on our faces? We're talking about our birth flowers.

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Your birth flower is the bloom associated with the month you were born which holds a symbolic meaning – a floral Zodiac, if you will.

It means that we can give our friends more personalised flower bouquets on their birthdays, fill our own homes with arrangements that hold a slightly deeper connection to our personalities and, in short, have an excuse to add another beautiful flower to our list of favourites.

So, without further ado, find your birth flower on the below infographic from The Greenhouse People and discover what it means…

Petal, Text, Red, Font, Botany, Flowering plant, Cut flowers, Artificial flower, Rose family, Paper, pinterest icon

From: Country Living UK