There's a Corpse Flower at Dartmouth College that hasn't bloomed since 2011. And while you'd think everyone would be happy about that, since it gives off a stench that is described as a mix between a "decaying animal" and "urine" when it blooms, it's actually quite an amazing spectacle to watch the six-and-a-half-foot-tall flower open up.

Plant, Flower, Zaminkand, Terrestrial plant, Botany, Flowering plant, Titan arum, Flowerpot, Garden, Plant stem, pinterest icon
A Corpse Flower at the Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.

Part of the appeal is how the plant changes in color from green to a red burgundy as it gets closer to blooming, which is meant to attract potential pollinators. And another part is definitely curiosity — after all, can you tell us you're not even a little curious about what death smells like? But also, the Corpse Flower is one of the most unique plants on the planet, and since it only stays open for 24-48 hours before closing up, to see it bloom is a rare moment for most to witness.

In an attempt to let as many people witness the event as possible, the greenhouse at Dartmouth College has extended its hours this week and set up a live webcam so people can watch from anywhere in the world.

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Want to see this happen at a faster speed? Watch this video from New York Botanical Garden.

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[h/t Yahoo

From: House Beautiful US
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Lauren Smith McDonough
Senior Editor

Lauren is a senior editor at Hearst. She was previously the senior editor at and the home editor at and Her book club, ramen, and jean jackets are a few of her favorite things.