Visitors to Cherry Point Farm & Market in Shelby, Michigan, are invited to indulge in a number of delicious treats, including fresh-picked cherries, sweet jams, a variety of baked goods and even savory summer meals at the farm's seasonal fish boils. But the highlight of any trip to Cherry Point? Wandering through this stunning lavender labyrinth.

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According to Mental Floss, the labyrinth was created by fourth-generation market owner Barbara Bull, who teamed up with local artist and architect Conrad Heiderer in 2001 to design the massive flower-shaped maze, which holds an herb garden at its center. Today, it's one of the farm's most popular attractions.

Bull encourages visitors to take their time while wandering through the maze (and because it takes approximately an hour just to reach the center, that shouldn't be too hard). In a 2010 interview with Michigan news source MLive, she encouraged visitors to treat a trip through the maze like a meditative experience. "As you walk, let the layers of the world fall away," Bull said. "Hear what might not normally be heard. Listen to what's not being said ... The way is there; you just have to walk it."

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Walking through the labyrinth is free and doesn't require any reservations or tickets, so all you have to do is head over to Shelby, Michigan, whenever you please. It is important to note, however, the times of year that the labyrinth is looking its best: The French lavender that makes up the labyrinth peaks in the springtime, continues to bloom throughout the summer and then dries out and is picked once fall arrives.

You hear that, flower lovers? This is your excuse to start planning your springtime getaway now. But until you can make it to the lavender labyrinth, yourself, live vicariously through these beautiful photos from other maze-goers.

[h/t Mental Floss

From: House Beautiful US