At the end of a long day, little feels more satisfying and welcoming than the thought of pouring a cup of tea, lighting a candle, wrapping up in a cozy throw blanket and flipping on a TV marathon. And now, you can feel even better about that TLC time, thanks to a new altruistic partnership involving two of our favorite home brands.

Starting on April 1, you can score a nature-inspired limited-edition gift set from fragrance and candle company NEST and Bearaby weighted blankets to help plant yourself in the most luxurious position on the couch. Each $295 purchase includes a chic 15-pound Bearaby Midnight Moss Velvet Napper and a NEST New York Midnight Moss and Vetiver Classic Candle, and a donation to support NEXT for Autism. According to its website, this non-profit organization "designs, launches and supports innovative programs to help improve the lives of people living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)."

Bearaby x NEST New York

Bearaby x NEST New York

Bearaby x NEST New York

$295 at Bearaby

This is a timely debut—April is Autism Acceptance Month—and it’s also one that’s very close to NEST founder Laura Slatkin’s heart. Her son David is “severely impacted by autism,” she says, a condition that sometimes involves sensitivity to touch (among these other signs and symptoms.)

The vetiver candle and 15-pound “midnight moss” weighted blanket are inspired by David’s passion for all things natural and outdoorsy. Laura and David often hike through trails with similar calming hues and aromas. And speaking of calming, the Bearaby connection is such a great fit because David is a big fan of his weighted blanket, too. Research suggests that weighted blankets may offer anxiety-reducing benefits for individuals who are on the autism spectrum.

If you’re sold on adding this neutral, soothing set to your bedroom decor or your living room lounge night, visit or to order this gift that gives back.