We swooned over interior designer and product designer Caitlin Wilson's Dallas extreme home makeover, and after seeing her favorite home design features in action, immediately felt the urge to add a secret kitchen and “cloffice” to our homes, too.

So we were delighted to see that on the heels of her collaboration with Provence Poiriers, Wilson has partnered with Mainly Baskets Home to release her brand-new Monaco Collection. Each piece in the 14-item line is handmade and woven with sustainably harvested materials. Take your pick of dining and accent chairs, a sofa, a foot stool, side and cocktail tables, children’s seating, a console table or a large dining table…or all of the above.

Monaco Chair

Monaco Chair

Monaco Chair

$1,241 at Caitlin Wilson

The Monaco Collection is certainly not your average furniture store find. With scalloped edges and whimsical details that nod to Wilson’s aesthetic and fond memories of her Mediterranean travels, she describes the collection as traditional, feminine, elegant and luxurious all at once. It’s “absolutely charming,” according to Robyn Bailey, owner of Mainly Baskets Home.

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Madeline Sofa

Madeline Sofa

It’s also absolutely on trend. This line checks several boxes in our list of the top design trends for 2023, including natural materials, texture everywhere, sustainability and personality-driven design.

“I have a special place in my heart for the South of France after studying abroad there in college and many return trips over the years,” Wilson explains. “My memories of the colorful Cote d’Azur will forever be ingrained in my heart. The Monaco Collection combines the chic lifestyle with the natural charm and whimsy that French culture exudes.”

furniture Coco Console

Coco Console

furniture Coco Console

Feeling inspired to manifest your next trip to Monaco and add some extra style to your living room? You can find the collection by Caitlin Wilson for Mainly Baskets Home at CaitlinWilson.com and MainlyBaskets.com starting today.