Welcome to Party Trick, a monthly column where top tastemakers invite us inside their unforgettable gatherings and share their signature hosting rituals, plus a trusted item they’d never entertain without.

Lela Rose is as creative of a hostess as she is a fashion designer. A stylish spirit of fun weaves throughout her collections and across her tablescapes. For her entertaining prowess, Rose credits her mother. “She was always in the kitchen cooking and dreaming up something spectacular,” Rose says. “For my birthday parties growing up, she would wrap up little trinkets and put them inside the cake batter, so when you were served a slice, you’d find a little surprise. It was so magical and unexpected that I’ve passed this down to my own children—for any occasion there’s a cake!”

These vivid moments of surprise have lingered in Rose’s memory to inspire her go-to party trick: wowing guests with delightful details. “A great party is always all in the details! From being greeted with a specialty cocktail to finding a creative place card at your seat, it’s the little things that add up to turn any gathering into a memorable one,” she says. Rose often needs no specific occasion to host a get-together for family and friends.

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“Some of the best parties aren't the ones you feel like you need to throw. I love bringing people together,” she says. Her convivial dinners include special details that encourage gathering—whether it’s through communal food like a crawfish boil or dancing to live music or sharing an unexpected experience. “One memorable night we had a cowboy interrupt the meal to teach all the guests how to lasso!” adds Rose.

Mother Nature is often the fashion designer’s muse. For a meadow luncheon in Texas or a country cocktail hour in Wyoming, she brings indoor creature comforts to the great outdoors to help guests feel at home. “Think of innovative ways to handle seating—and make sure there's enough—like quilts on the ground, hay bale covers, or a few good chairs,” says Rose, who recently released her second entertaining book titled Fresh Air Affairs.

Fresh Air Affairs: Entertaining with Style in the Great Outdoors

Fresh Air Affairs: Entertaining with Style in the Great Outdoors

Fresh Air Affairs: Entertaining with Style in the Great Outdoors

Now 32% Off
$30 at Amazon

Indoors or out, Rose relies on candlelight to cast a magical glow over the table. “I always keep boxes of different shaped candles on hand, but I especially love tall colored tapers. They're a great go-to and can even replace electric lighting if you have enough,” she says.

“Something magical happens when the lights are low—people gather closer and are more open and authentic. It's a pretty big return on your investment for something as simple as candlelight.” Her favorite tall colored taper candles from Creative Candles are available in an assortment of sizes and shades to complement any tablescape.

18” Taper Candles - 1 pair

18” Taper Candles - 1 pair

18” Taper Candles - 1 pair

Credit: Courtesy of Creative Candles

To stressed-out hosts, Rose offers this advice: “Never strive for perfection, always aim for fun! No one will remember whatever detail maybe didn't come out exactly the way you had hoped, but they will remember how they felt.” To perfectly imperfect parties imbued with fun, we raise a glass.

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